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How to Install Custom Fit Zebra Blinds Guide         

At Blinds Downunder we have put together an explanation video on how to install your selected Custom Fit Zebra Blinds.

View video below for guidance on How to Install Zebra Blinds C70 Cassette Pelmet System. We have also put together detailed written instructions on how to install your selected custom fit Zebra blinds for further assistance.     


C70 / C50 Cassette Installation Guide from Blindware on Vimeo.



Items Required to install your Custom Fit Zebra Blind

  1. Pencil to mark bracket holes in fixing position.
  2. Drill with selected size drill bit for pilot holes (Test pilot hole size is correct on sample material. We suggest testing one masonry hole is correct for Green plugs prior to drilling all holes) You may require different drill bits depending on different materials. Consult your qualified local hardware for further assistance if required.
  3. Phillips head screwdriver or Phillips head drill attachment, whichever is preferred.
  4. Fixing screws for C70 cassette pelmet brackets. (Note*: Screws are not provided by Blinds Downunder, due to the different nature with fixing Brackets to different materials.) As a rough guide we recommend;
  5. 40mm x 7 gauge\Timber screws for face fit timber or MDF architraves
  6. 20mm x 7 gauge\ Timber screws for internal recess fit, timber or MDF reveals and child safety tension devices.  40mm x 7 gauge\Timber screws for plaster recesses.
  7. 6 gauge self-tapping screws for aluminium or steel fixings
  8. We do not recommend fixing brackets directly to plasterboard only. If you choose to proceed with this option, toggle bolts or plaster plugs, are sometimes recommended by your qualified local hardware store, as a last resort for fixing brackets. The hardware store will most likely recommend the highest load bearing capacity plugs and check if screws fit through bracket holes. Blinds Downunder only recommends fixing to solid substrates behind plaster ie; Timber noggins, Timber/steel lintels or Timber or steel studs.
  9. Green Plugs and appropriate screws for masonry fixing, as guided by qualified local hardware store.

You may require additional assistant to help with the install of long Zebra Blinds.

We recommend if you are unsure, that you take photos of install area and discuss with your qualified local hardware store for further detailed advice regarding fixing options. Blinds Downunder takes no responsibility for poor bracket fixing or damage caused by incorrect installations.

 How to Install your Custom Fit Zebra Blind

  1. Once desired fixing has been chosen and purchased from qualified local hardware store.
  2. Place bracket in desired position on face fit or recess fit and mark holes using pencil.
  3. Drill Pilot holes based on pencil marks for desired bracket position.
  4. Place brackets in desired position evenly pacing brackets.Install brackets approximately 35mm from each end and complete fastening desired fixing until complete. Place hand on bracket and apply gentle pressure to test adequate fixing.
  5. Prior to lifting C70 cassette pelmet out of packaging ensure blind is still seated inside C70 cassette pelmet correctly
  6. Install the back of C70 cassette pelmet in the hook at bottom of bracket supplied.Roll the  C70 cassette pelmet anti clockwise until you hear it click in. Check all clips are properly connected.
  7. Ensure blind is still seated inside C70 cassette pelmet correctly. Apply light horizontal pressure. Gently pull control end down, making sure control end is seated correctly blinds in brackets. Ensure chain is facing down and install correctly in cord diverter. 
  8. Check blind operation works as intended.


*Important notes with recess fit Zebra Blinds

From time to time window frames are sometimes out of square. You may need to install packers to adjust your C70 cassette pelmet fixings.Brackets must be installed on a level parallel line to allow Zebra Blind  to go up and down as required, This should allow bottom rail to sit level with bottom sill and square with window stiles. You need to allow 10mm behind C70 cassette pelmet fixings to all brackets to flex for installation.

*Important notes with Face Fit Zebra Blinds without Architraves

C70 cassette fixings brackets must be installed on a level parallel line to allow Zebra Blind to operate correctly.

*Important note for installation close to ceiling mount

You need to allow 10mm from top of C70 cassette pelmet fixings to all brackets to for installation.

9. Finally: Secure the ball chain off to the wall or inside of the reveal with a Child Safety Device to comply with the Australian Child Safety Regulations. It is required internal window covering ‘must be installed in a way that a loose cord; cannot form a loop 220 mm or longer at less than 1600 mm above floor level’.Cord guides—may be installed lower than 1600 mm above floor level, long as the cord guide will remain firmly attached to a wall or other structure specified in the ACCC installation instructions, when subjected to a tension force of 70 N (Newtons) applied in any direction for 10 seconds and cannot form  a loop 220 mm or longer at less than 1600mm above floor level. A force of 70 is approximately equal to applying a 7 kilogram weight and has been assessed as the likely amount of force a child may exert on a blind cord guide by grabbing, pulling or hanging on it. Solid fixing is required when fixing Child Safety Devices.Double sided tape or glue is non compliant and is unsatisfactory. If you are unsure seek professional advice.All blinds require warning labels and our installer labels to be permanently installed. These guidelines need to be followed for child safety compliance. Refer to our child safety page, ACCC guidelines and downloads. These standards are required on all corded roller blind installs. By purchasing our product, you agree to comply with ACCC guidelines on all roller blind supplied by Blinds Downunder.





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